Amplexus Tantra
October 27, 2018It may seem farfetched and even a little awkward to discuss a frog’s preferred sexual position as part of a strategy to shrink. However, to change humanity’s irrational desire for bigger towards a much wiser desire for smaller we must invest as much in alternative fantasies and imaginative storytelling as in the instantly practical.
In the light of the dominant universal female preference for taller males, the dominant amplexus technique seen in frogs, toads, newts and horse crabs opens up a window of tantric opportunity. DuringĀ amplexus, the female carries the male around on her back. To make sure he doesn’t fall off different species of frogs have different preferred places to hold onto. Sometimes it is the back, sometimes the legs and in some cases the head. All this hanging around may not seem particularly friendly towards the female frog, but it does create a female preference for small males. They’re less heavy. Which is all the better since the smaller the male, the bigger the stamina, allowing for hours of light-weight fun and small attractive offspring. Now who doesn’t want that.